Textbook rentals on the Kindle

Posted by Marianne Calihanna on Jul 18, 2011 4:14:00 PM

ebook rentalsLast week as I was driving through Penn's campus, I noticed a sign for "ebook rentals." What did that mean and what is the impact was for publishers?

Today in eBook Newser I learn that Amazon is renting college textbooks on the Kindle. College students can rent textbooks from Amazon for any length of time. The bonus is that any notes students add to their textbooks will be saved via Amazon's Whispersync technology and the students can retrieve the textbooks AND their notes in the future if they decide to purchase the book or rent again.

While I see great advantages for students, I wonder what this means for college textbook publishers. Leave a comment below if you publish textbooks; we'd enjoy hearing your thoughts on this.

Topics: ebooks, textbook publishers

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